
Salaah Times in Newcastle, South Africa

The salaah times in Newcastle, South Africa, vary depending on the time of year.

Salaah Times in Newcastle, South Africa

The following are the approximate salaah times for the current date:

  1. Fajr: 5:03 AM
  2. Sunrise: 6:22 AM
  3. Dhuhr: 12:02 PM
  4. Asr: 3:17 PM
  5. Maghrib: 5:49 PM
  6. Isha’a: 6:57 PM

These times are calculated using the Hanafi madhhab. If you follow the Shafi’i madhhab, the Asr time will be 15 minutes later, and the Isha’a time will be 10 minutes later.

It is important to note that these are just approximate times. The actual times may vary slightly depending on the location of the sun. You can find more accurate salaah times by using a prayer app or website.

Fajr (dawn)

The first prayer of the day, prayed before sunrise. The time for Fajr begins at the true dawn, when the light of the sky spreads horizontally along the horizon.

Dhuhr (midday)

The second prayer of the day, prayed in the middle of the day. The time for Dhuhr begins when the sun has passed its zenith and is no longer directly overhead.

Asr (afternoon)

The third prayer of the day, prayed in the late afternoon. The time for Asr begins when the shadow of an object is equal to its length, plus the length of its shadow at noon.

Maghrib (sunset)

The fourth prayer of the day, prayed after sunset. The time for Maghrib begins when the sun has completely set below the horizon.

Isha (nighttime)

The fifth and final prayer of the day, prayed after nightfall. The time for Isha begins when the red glow has disappeared from the western horizon.

Additional Notes

  1. The prayers are all obligatory for adult Muslims who are mentally and physically fit.
  2. The prayers should be performed in a clean and private place, facing the Kaaba in Mecca.
  3. The prayers are made up of a series of movements and recitations, which are performed in Arabic.
  4. Muslims are encouraged to pray in congregation, but it is also permissible to pray alone.


How many times do Muslims pray a day?

Muslims pray five times a day: Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha.

What are the prayer times for each prayer?

  1. Fajr: Before sunrise 5:03AM
  2. Dhuhr: Midday 12:02PM
  3. Asr: Late afternoon 3:17PM
  4. Maghrib: After sunset 5:49PM
  5. Isha: Nighttime 6:57PM

How do I calculate the prayer times?

There are many ways to calculate the prayer times. You can use a prayer app or website, or you can ask a local imam.

What is the importance of praying on time?

Praying on time is an important part of the Islamic faith. It is a way for Muslims to connect with Allah and to show their obedience to Him.

What happens if I miss a prayer?

If you miss a prayer, you can make it up later. However, it is best to pray on time, if possible.

What if I am unable to pray on time due to illness or other circumstances?

If you are unable to pray on time due to illness or other circumstances, you can pray later. However, you should try to pray as soon as possible.

Can I pray anywhere?

Yes, you can pray anywhere. However, it is best to pray in a clean and private place, facing the Kaaba in Mecca.

What do I need to do before I pray?

Before you pray, you should perform ablution, which is a ritual washing of the hands, face, arms, head, and feet.

What do I do during the prayer?

The prayers are made up of a series of movements and recitations, which are performed in Arabic. You can find more information about the prayers online or in a prayer book.


Prayer is an important part of the Islamic faith. It is a way for Muslims to connect with Allah, to show their obedience to Him, and to receive His blessings. The five daily prayers are Fajr (dawn), Zuhr (midday), Asr (late afternoon), Maghrib (after sunset), and Isha (nighttime). 

The exact times for the prayers may vary slightly depending on the location of the sun. Muslims are encouraged to pray in congregation, but it is also permissible to pray alone.


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